Friday, January 20, 2006
a very wise old professor from my dept gave a lecture today. it was about his professional life history, his mentors; about how he got where he is today. At the end of the lecture, somebody asked him the secrets of time management and how to balance everything going on in life, especially for young professors, graduate students and other people pondering their careers and purpose. And he said

"You can't do everything you want in life."

Everywhere you look, people tell you that you can have everything you want. You CAN be a mom and a career woman. You can be a full-time employee and a full-time student. You can take out loans for things you want to buy. You can work from home and still make millions. And you can travel the world and write a book about it.

I am so glad that somebody finally admitted that you can't. Because I think it's true. If YOU can do everything you want in life, then you don't really want a lot. Or you are compromising things you truly want with things that you are told you should want.

So now all I have to do is figure out what I want out of life. No biggie.
