Saturday, July 29, 2006
I tried to find out what meme really means. All wikipedia had was mess of meaningless verbiage about replicating cultural information...whaaaa??

Regardless...I stole this one from Desiree.

Take Four
Four jobs you have had in your life:
  1. unpaid marine biology intern
  2. minimum-wage environmental science intern
  3. well-paid big pharma arthritis research intern
  4. research technician AKA slave to academia
Four movies you would watch over and over:
  1. It's a Wonderful Life
  2. The Big Lebowski
  3. Bridget Jones' Diary
  4. The Mexican
Four places you have lived:
  1. Yokohama, Japan
  2. Valparaiso, Indiana
  3. Boston, Massachusetts
  4. Novato, CA
Four TV shows you love to watch:
  1. Grey's Anatomy
  2. Animal Cops
  3. Good Deal with Dave Lieberman
  4. The Office
Four Places you have been on Vacation:
  1. Mackinac Island, MI
  2. Lake of the Ozarks, MO
  3. Maui, HI
  4. Las Vegas, NV
Four websites you visit daily:
Four of my favorite foods:
  1. chocolate
  2. tequila lime shrimp
  3. steak
  4. a chicken dish i like to make
Four places I would rather be right now:
  1. in bed
  2. in the pool
  3. driveway - washing my car
  4. hotel del coronado
Four friends I am tagging that I think will respond
Four Places you’d love to visit:
  1. Co. Kerry, Ireland
  2. Valencia, Spain
  3. Greece
  4. London
Four foods you don’t like:
  1. mushrooms
  2. onions - can't stand the texture
  3. liver
  4. potato salad. barf.
