Monday, January 30, 2006
Open Letter
Dear ASU Student:

If it is warm enough for flip flops, you probably don't need a scarf. In fact, when worn with a slut-shirt, a scarf is proven to NOT provide adequate warmth.

Bras are recommended. They should be required attire in the lab. Unfortunately, I don't make the rules.





The same goes for you, Mr. student-on-a-skateboard-wearing-shorts-and-girly-gloves. dummy.

Monday, January 23, 2006
grr housing rant
Buying a home has to be the biggest pain in the ass thing you can possibly do. Stupid realtors have to make the process so much more difficult. or Pain In The Ass. hereafter abbreviated PITA.

I regularly cruise for potential houses. it's semi-serious browsing...our lease is not up until august but it doesn't hurt to scope out the market. I found a house in our future semi-ghetto neighborhood (because its all we can afford) for a decent price. Sometimes if you Google the MLS number you can get more info. No dice. So i wander over to the realtor's website. its not on there. Hmm. they want to sell houses or what? I find the realtor's email address and inquire about that specific MLS number.

Later this afternoon I got a response:
"The home you requested sold on 5/27/05. I have attached the only home in Las Colinas subdivision that is available at this time. If this home fits your needs and you[r] are not working with a realtor please contact me and I will have an agent contact you."

Hmm....Let's see here...5/27/05. EIGHT FRICKIN' MONTHS AGO?!?!?!?! Why oh why is it still listed? here is the best part: the "attached" home link takes me to a page with a home in the same neighborhood except it is now 60K more. Real cute. Sure, 60K, no big deal. Let me just reach into my other pocket...

I am now completely convinced there is some conspiracy to completely shut out middle-class white collar people from owning a home. We are a two income family, minus the expense of kids. How is it possible that we, earning equal salaries of our baby boomer parents, can not afford a home? The gap between the "haves" and "have nots," especially in reference to real estate is so wide that something will have to give.

I was mad before at investors but now i'm really miffed. A home should be first and foremost a dwelling. Not a moneymaker. Yay for capitalism but for crying out loud somebody please make it against the law to own more than 2 houses and make 200% profits on them!

Saturday, January 21, 2006
If Evan Had a Blog...
It would say this:

Turkey Bacon sucks. And it is not an adequate substitution for conventional bacon.

Friday, January 20, 2006
a very wise old professor from my dept gave a lecture today. it was about his professional life history, his mentors; about how he got where he is today. At the end of the lecture, somebody asked him the secrets of time management and how to balance everything going on in life, especially for young professors, graduate students and other people pondering their careers and purpose. And he said

"You can't do everything you want in life."

Everywhere you look, people tell you that you can have everything you want. You CAN be a mom and a career woman. You can be a full-time employee and a full-time student. You can take out loans for things you want to buy. You can work from home and still make millions. And you can travel the world and write a book about it.

I am so glad that somebody finally admitted that you can't. Because I think it's true. If YOU can do everything you want in life, then you don't really want a lot. Or you are compromising things you truly want with things that you are told you should want.

So now all I have to do is figure out what I want out of life. No biggie.

Thursday, January 19, 2006
Show and Tell
This is my lab:

This is my lab bench trash can:

This is my lab bench trash can...on fire!!!!

true story.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Lately i've been seeing things that really remind me of Lori. There was a funny pug like hers at the dog park on saturday. I remembered i gave her my bridget jones diary book and never got it back; i had given it to her to read while she was in the hospital. i found a christmas card she gave me last year. i kept it because it was so cute. It makes me sad sometimes but i'm glad she was the kind of person to permeate so many parts of that lots of good things in this world serve as reminders/memories of her.

Maybe TMI but it's important. Go HERE to sign up for monthly reminders for self breast examinations.

Monday, January 16, 2006

What should I name my car? (Hyundai Elantra)
LC (Little Car)
the Silver Bullet
write-in answer (add to comments)


Free polls from

Sunday, January 15, 2006
I always thought it would be cool to live on Marmot St. There was a Marmot street in Cincinnati. "Marmot" has to be one of the coolest words there is.

Alas, there is no Marmot Street, Avenue, Road, or Boulevard anywhere in the Phoenix metro area.

Saturday, January 07, 2006
Wedding Crasher

anyone see it? according to Kristen Frick's (now Flory) aunt Evan looks like Vince Vaughn when he dances. Of course only after a drink or two. That might look like this:

Friday, January 06, 2006
Happy New Year
ok so i've been slacking a bit on the blog. not much has been going on. we went to a wedding on New Years Eve. It was nice...but it rained all day! I've been packing up the lab so we can move into our fancy new building next week. Every box i pack reminds me of how i'll be packing up all our crap at home later this summer when we buy a house and move again. Yay for a house, boo for packing!

tara- if you move to germany, can i come visit?
