Saturday, February 25, 2006
Two Things
#1: Happy PS-4 Day! That's Parking Structure 4, for you outsiders. For the past 4 months I have been hoofing my butt from PS-7 across campus to the building in which I actually work. Now my parking structure is NEXT to my building -which is a rarity with the campus layout. It is situated right on the road that takes me home. I estimate this simple move will save me at least 15 minutes on my commute TWICE DAILY. So beautiful. Ahhhhh...

#2: I hate my professor. Annoying Question Kid took over the end of the lecture. I will give him props this time because he basically told the prof that we are all lost because his teaching style sucks. It was like a mutiny. The prof got more and more visibly frustrated as we all confirmed that we were lost 20 powerpoint slides ago and that we dont know whats important and that he is going too fast for us to take notes.

So after class, Mr. Professor is answering individual questions regarding the examination we recently had returned to us. I knew asking him exam questions wouldn't get me anywhere but i was frustrated too. So I asked him why we couldn't be given the powerpoint notes before class instead of after. I told him that I, or anyone else, can NOT take down the contents of the slide AND add thoughtful commentary in the time allotted. I told him my notes are a disjointed mess.

Mind you, they graciously give us the slides AFTER class. Fat lot of good that does me. I have half written commentary that usually ends up "see online notes" in my notebook. I might as well not even go to class. He says "No. Research has shown that students perform better if given the notes afterwards." Oh yeah? Research has also shown that if your 200 level class has an 63% average, you're probably not an effective teacher. I told him (in a smartass kind of way) that I respectfully disagreed with him and that I think it would help the class out if he did it another way. Screw him. I already have my BS. I don't need his!
