So I was reading
The Stiltwalker's blog (via a link on
heather's blog).
The Stiltwalker will probably never visit my blog for various reasons to be mentioned below.
In case you are too lazy to click the link and see her blog, I have listed her blogging observations and my violations of unspoken blogging rules.
1. A lot of people either don’t care or just can’t type. And for the record if you make too many grammatical errors I won’t read often if at all. I’ve spent too many long hours as an editor to brush erroneously bad writing under the rug. It would be kinda like immoral.
I can type but I don't really care.2. Some people have their personal pics as their profile pics. And I must suggest find another image ASAP.
GUILTY!3. Even worse, some of these same people talk in their blogs about how HOT they are and etc., when you’re like “do you honestly believe that I believe you’re getting that much anus?.”
N/A4. And even worse, these people are usually the ones that have a zillion and 4 pics of themselves posted all over the place. Geesh.
N/A5. Blogger fucks up on the regular.
agreed6. There seems to be a large amount of e-crotchal activity.
N/A7. Tags suck. Period. I mean someone will tag you and then expect for you to post that shit ASAP. Calm down.
I don't fully know what tags are. if they are links to your blog, then yes I am guilty of that.8. There are a handful of people I’ve noticed that rarely update but will comment the sheer hell out of everyone else’s posts.
Somewhat guilty9. There’s not a lot of originality. Just the other day I read one person’s post, then I read a “friends” post. And it was the same style and everything. Now some ideas are good and I can see them being infectious, but damn.
GUILTY10. I can think of like 3 or 4 people right now who ‘deliver’ every single post, every single time. Effortlessly.
NOT ME11. I can think of like 8 or 9 people who need to hang themselves or OD, either way get the fuck off the internet with that boring, empty shit.
Probably ME12. Seriously though there are some ugly people who use the internet as a catalyst. I can’t get over how someone will talk pure-d-shit on their blogs but then you look at them and you’re like ugh, gross. (ok no more ugly references)
N/A13. As I have rarely ever pre-written something for a specific post, I wonder how many people do and how often?
Only if I don't have time to finish. guilty.14. Does doing so discredit the function of a blog or blogging?
I don't think so. Who says it has to be spontaneous?15. This is perhaps the most addictive thing since stuffed crust pizza (and penis).
Blogging? sure.16. I’m still waiting for a juicy e-fight/battle. Any takers? I’m down! Now that I think about it, maybe I’ll just start one. Like this
shit. I’m just saying though. Bias rules, I guess.
Ditto.17. I really need one of those paypal logos. Y’all can fund my existence fo’ sho.
I'm not that desperate. But I'd be lying if I said I've never thought about it.18. Why do people create blogs then decide to use discretion in what they post because their ex, current, granny, boss, parole officer is reading it? Please explain that one.
I like my job.19. Templates bitches, templates. I can honestly say mines is trash right now but it isn't illegible or otherwise hard to navigate. I suggest people save the blinky, twinkly affects for myspace. It's just irritating and even if noone states so, they don't like looking at it. I promise.
Blinkies Suck.20. Stop emailing me asking if I want to date you. The answer is no.
Damn.21. And for the record I despise "I'm bipolar" and/or "the man is keeping me down" blogs and any intermediateness thereof.
I read those. Guilty!Well, I admit my life is pretty boring and seldom do I have anything truly Blogworthy. But I need something to keep my WPM high and this fits the bill. Meh.