Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Mean Old Hag
Yesterday I was reading in the library. I purposely went to the back corner of the top floor for ultimate quiet-ness. After about an hour, these two little boys were wandering around that section of stacks with someone. They were doing karate chops and chasing each other around.

Round One: I caught the little one's eye and gave him a dirty look. He appeared unphased.

They wandered away and I thought it was over.
They came back, karate chops and tag games galore.
I caught one of them getting loud.

Round Two (to the older kid): "Hey you, this is a library. You need to be quiet."
He scampers off.

Round Three, 2 min later (to the little one): He comes bounding around the nearest stack, poised for a big karate chop. I busted him in mid-pounce. I say:"Don't do that in here" in my best I-eat-little-boys-for-dinner voice. And insert dirty look.
He scampers off.

ding ding ding! I win!

I suppose I should have picked up my broom and cauldron on the way home from the library. Apparently, I am that lady.
