Tuesday, October 18, 2005
So I try to stay out of the heated Iraq debates about who is right and who is wrong and where our people and dollars need to be. My feelings about the whole "war" have changed over time but I try to keep it in the back of my mind. Because I was raised in the military I've always felt this allegiance to the flag, nation, president and troops. It used to be that those things lined up but now they don't anymore.

Anyway, the reason for this post is I was on instant messenger this afternoon and an old boyfriend (c'mon people it was 8th grade) IM'd me. I haven't talked to him in a LOOONG time. He has a daughter (i knew that) and a wife (didn't know that) and he's in Iraq right now (didn't know that either). He says he works nights and it feels safer that way. He's been there for 9 months already and supposedly gets to go home in February. I hope he does.

Matt's newlywed tips: Don't take even the tiniest things for granted. And don't rush things. (he had a baby just after graduating college and got married a few months later)

That's really all for now.
