Monday, October 16, 2006
Freak Out!
As you can see I posted on the left hand side that I just finished reading Freakonomics. That is a half-truth. I read it a while back and recently re-read the last few chapters that I missed the first time around (it was due back at the library before I finished it. Odd. Usually I read very fast and devour my books.)

Anyway, aside from the interesting conclusions they come up with regarding abortion & crime, etc, I found it fascinating what they found out about parenting. You know how it goes, everyone has their own school of thought about how to raise kids and how to keep them safe as babies. Apparently, no matter how obsessive you are, your kids will turn out how they turn out. Most of the rules and safety devices exist to pacify the parents and to make money for the companies that produce said devices.

They discuss how people obsess over what to name their children; as if the name will affect their children's future success. What it all comes down to is, successful/smart people tend to have successful/smart kids and the names, books, schools and baby einsteins have nothing to do with it. Good. That will save me a lot of money on all that smart baby accessory crap.
