When you wear white pants, you should only wear white/nude underwear. Not a blue thong. Think about it. If the whole point of wearing a thong is to eliminate panty lines, is it really any better to have a whole outline of it in blue on your ass?
That is all.
So to make up for the lack of drama in my own life here is a tidbit of juicy dramalike stuff for you to read in the meantime:
I have had a lot of interviews in my [relatively] short life. This would be my fourth job in three years since graduating from Valpo. For every job you get, there are about 50 that you applied for and 5 that you interviewed for. If I've learned anything from my massive interviewing experiences...it's this: You can't really tell from the interview if you got the job. They can even promise you the job during the interview and you might never hear from them again. Conversely, even the worst interviews may yield a job at the end of the resume-paved road.
During the interview for my job at the University of Michigan [GO BLUE!!] I did every classic mistake that you should never do in an interview. I was too honest, I discussed how much I hated a previous boss and called him a cheapskate, I described my hatred for my then current job, I told the interviewer I was getting married soon (none of his business really), and I really had no experience that he needed. And yet he called me back! It was a good job and we got along great...I'm really glad he took a chance on me. :)
So anyway, ASU. They are building a new lab that the PI will move into in January. It's SWEET. It's such a cool building that the university prez likes to bring important people by to peer in the windows at all the impressive research going on. It used to be that labs were build in separate rooms and you couldn't really see what was going on down the hall. The newest thing is to build it so that scientists can collaborate better. So now they build a long open corridor and put a million lab benches there and technically you're all in the same room. And you walk by Dr. X's bench on your way to see Dr. Y, and you see something interesting they are working on...you stop by...ask questions...boom!!! Collaborations~!
ASU's institute is cool because I will have to do a background check and FINGERPRINTs because I would be (if i get the job) working in a Biosafety Level 3 lab. Very cool! They also have Segways, retinal scanners, and much more cool stuff there. Besides that, the PI seemed REALLY nice. Very laid back and ok with training me.
So....I need to go to IKEA with Mary Ann because:
A. She's never been
B. They are having a sale
C. I love Ikea!!!
That's all for now, kiddies. Good Grief, its enough! Later!!
I still need to clean the house and re-arrange things because Evan's parents are getting here on thursday. I'll have to pick up some pumpkins for us to carve...that'll be fun. Now onto the big event....my interview! It's actually on thursday so I can't pick up evan's parents from the airport. :(
It was really strange, i was at the computer looking for jobs and I was actually getting ready to call about this one temp job when the phone rang. We have caller ID now (Watch out!!) because it comes standard with the phone service here (very cool) and I could see before I picked up that the phone said "Arizona State University." The only way they'd have my number is from my job applications...I've applied to maybe 5 of their research jobs since early september.
It was a professor and somehow she saw my application and that job was closed and interviews were done but she wanted to know if I was still interested...um, YEAH I AM. So now I have an interview thursday PM. I'm hoping that I'm not up against a large pool of people and that I have a chance here but I guess I'll find out later this week. So pumped!!!
Friday I am back at ASU for an informational session on the Audiology program. They don't do financial aid questions so i'll have to make a separate appointment for that. I'm a little miffed I wont be able to go to Casa Grande with Bob and Mary Ann to see the house stuff but I guess it would be nice to be a contributing member of society who is gainfully employed as well.
I will be doubly miffed if I don't get the job!!!
Evan's football fantasy team is sucking. I went for a run -12 min 30 sec. I am now addicted to myspace.com, in addition to thenest.com. I am still working on facebook...mostly for tara's sake.
it was sold out!!!! BOOOO!!!!
needless to say, we didn't see the movie.

Not only did I beat Evan at Monopoly tonight...I completely wasted him. I destroyed his gauntlet of death (hotels) lining the entire second side of the board. I walked away with over $8,000 in monopoly cash plus my properties. I only had one monopoly of properties and NO hotels. Evan is mad and says if I were a real family sportswoman I'd be out for blood and I'd put hotels on ASAP to take people down faster. Well, didn't work for him, did it? LOSER!!!!
BTW, I am working on my "good" sportsmanship skills. I plan on bragging, re-hashing my dramatic win, and then calling up Evan's parents to share the good news. Katie and Lou would be proud!
ooooh and i have a hot date with my dear husband tonite!
Plan B: I will shower, get some stuff done, eat non-dairy lunch and THEN go running later in the afternoon.
The only rule I have is you can't make fun of how slow or how (not)far I run. One of my favorite running quote goes something like this: "I was passing rocks and trees like they were standing still."
And with those happy thoughts i bid you all goodnight.
Anyway, the reason for this post is I was on instant messenger this afternoon and an old boyfriend (c'mon people it was 8th grade) IM'd me. I haven't talked to him in a LOOONG time. He has a daughter (i knew that) and a wife (didn't know that) and he's in Iraq right now (didn't know that either). He says he works nights and it feels safer that way. He's been there for 9 months already and supposedly gets to go home in February. I hope he does.
Matt's newlywed tips: Don't take even the tiniest things for granted. And don't rush things. (he had a baby just after graduating college and got married a few months later)
That's really all for now.
Later that night, i'm in bed asleep and a HUGE crack of thunder hits. I wake up thinking, "i bet stinky isn't going to like this very much." and sure enough, two seconds later she's doing the panic-claw at our bedroom door. I let her in because i know she will pace up and down the hall freaking out and shivering with fear if I don't. She immediately crammed herself under the bed and slept there last night.
We just finished unpacking our suitcases/bags and they are all stored under the bed. I'll have to re-arrange them again so there is ample room for Stink to hide out during the next storm.
On the schedule:

Big Momma is excited because there is a Rodeo. And she's always wanted to be a cowgirl.
I need to keep looking for jobs.
We need to carve pumpkins and get candy just-in-case we have kids that stop by....ohhhh i hope they come by!
and clean the house!
Needless to say, i'm depressed, pissed and upset. I might go apply at the Gap. It can't possibly get worse than this, right?
Today I put one of my bulbs in a pot of soil. It says they need good drainage and loamy soil with sand or peat moss. I didn't do that...I don't even know what loamy is. Unless its those weird white pellets in soil...yah no clue. Here is a picture of what we (lily and I) have accomplished thus far:

It says you can plant them in spring or fall and they bloom in summer. It's so warm here maybe the lily with be tricked into thinking its summer now so it will bloom. What is the big surprise? If it grows, I will be frickin' surprised!!!
I went back out to "shoo" it away but it wouldn't go!! I moved toward it and it got closer. I picked up my plant holder thingy and swung it at the cat and it just came back for more. I went back inside, a prisoner in my own apartment, because that damn cat wouldn't leave me alone. By this time, its doing its cat-wailing thing and it won't shut up. I don't want neighbors thinking I have a cat, let alone a loud annoying whiny cat.
Since cats don't like water... I filled up one of Evan's tall glasses with water and when I opened the front door the damn cat was RIGHTTHERE trying to push its way inside. I needed to leave at that time to go to the stupid DMV...but not if the stupid cat wouldn't let me out! With no other options available to spring me out of my prison, I opened the door a crack and dumped some water on its head, right there in the doorway. When it retreated a bit, I unleashed the whole cup on that unsuspecting feline. It was awesome!
The cat finally figured it out and went on its way, meanwhile doing its catty cry the whole time. It sulked off to pester somebody else. If it ever comes back i'll be ready with GALLONS of water and other unpleasantries. He'll probably round up some of his friends to take me down when I'm least expecting it but for today, I was the victor!!
Yep, those be mountains out there.
There is our apartment, our cars and everything we own in the UHAUL before we shove off and leave Michigan, hopefully forever.
Back home again, in Indiana. We stayed with Evan's sister Katie in her fancy-schmancy apartment. Her bed was awesome! I highly recommend the Hotel De Katie to anyone.
Day Two: Indianapolis, IN to Kansas City, MO
We stayed with my friend Christine in KC, MO. Sorry, no pics...this leg of the drive was honestly boring. and rainy. Thanks, hurricaine Rita!
Day Three: KC, MO to Amarillo, TX
The pic above is in some remote area of kansas. I thought the hills were sorta cool, and there really isn't anything else to take pictures of.
Windmills in Kansas
Ahh Texas. Texas is full of special people. They also like signs. They have a welcome to texas sign, a general texas sign, signs telling you not to mess with texas, signs telling you that you can't afford a DWI (Dubya can, apparently), and even signs telling you to obey all posted signage. Seriously, there is nobody on the road but us!
This is the largest cross in the western hemisphere. Also located in the middle of nowhere, Tx.
Stinky passed out in the passenger seat. She's good in the car because all she does is sleep. Not too entertaining.
Welcome to New Mexico.
WELCOME to New Mexico!!!! Don't mind if I do! (I didn't, we had the stupid uhaul)
Mountains in NM
We saw this just after crossing the NM/Arizona border...lovely!
There was a piddly little storm cloud we were under and it looked really neat as we were coming out from under it. (Northern arizona)